I left town for a few days, and unbeknownst to me, Richie wrote a book started a revolution.

People constantly ask, “What does your husband do?” and I constantly stare back at them somewhat dumbfounded, because what I WANT to say is, “Richie makes waves, moves mountains and changes the world!” But it’s hard to make THAT fit into the confines of a monetized job description.

Richie helps people. He helps them overcome obstacles, live dreams and build authentic relationships with the people who mater most. He helps them get real and be happy, and he helps them make lots and lots of money in the process. Until they come up with a title for THAT, I think I’ll have to maintain my mindless stare.

I had nothing to do with the writing of this book. It’s smarter, braver and better than anything I could ever create. Resumés Are Dead And What To Do About It is brilliant, bold and unabashed. Not to mention timely, relevant and perfectly practical in every way. Download your FREE digital copy here. Also, enter to win a free 1 hour business consultation with Richie (valued at $350).

Way to be Richie! I’ve never been more proud to ride your coattails!

xx, N

PS. Ever wondered why (or HOW) we live in Hawaii? Ever wondered why (or HOW) we do things like. . . say. . . take our 7 year old to Nicaragua for the weekend? Ever wondered how we weather grief, stay happy and get.things.done? Every one of those questions is answered in this quick but beefy 30 page read.

PPS. If you’ve already downloaded the book, head over to download the updated version (as of 3.2.2011).

Check out this amazing video shot by our friend, the ever talented Devin Graham. It features another good friend of ours, Jase, and his amazing new skate line, Jaseboards. While we all wait patiently for the official launch of the Jaseboards site, you can enter to win not 1 but 2 free Jaseboards here!

Enter by Tuesday, March 1, at 5:00pm Hawaii Standard Time to win 2 free Jaseboards!

Sorry for my absurdly long absence! I miss you! While I was traveling on the mainland, I contracted Influenza A + some wicked secondary infection and have been on my back ever since. Fingers crossed I’m on the mend and that life (and blogging) as we know it will be back to normal soon!


click here to open post Feb 10, 2011 | posted in Personal | 5 comments


Tonight, I was falling asleep to the sound of rain, until I was awakened by the sound of a crying bed wetter. Then I listened to the sound of the shower while super dad changed the sheets. After that, I listened to the sound of tucking-in and so much love I could taste it, and I suddenly felt complete and so very blessed to be a part of my glorious family.

Now, I’m back to listening to the rain and drifting off to deep and beautiful sleep.

Sweetest dreams.


click here to open post Feb 09, 2011 | posted in Inspire, Personal | 22 comments

The other day wasn’t my favorite. No description necessary. It just wasn’t my favorite day. Period. Everything felt hard. Everything felt impossible. Everything felt heavy. Everything felt insurmountable.

I went for a run, and I talked to God. I asked why suddenly everything felt so “off.” I asked why things that only days before had felt organized and under control now felt impossible. My capacity to maintain momentum and lasting change felt impossible. My ability to appropriately navigate grief and pain felt impossible. Life itself, felt impossible. As I was having these thoughts, I methodically rounded a corner and headed up a hill. I’d run this hill a million and one times; it’s a standard part of my regular course. On this particular day, as I rounded that corner, I didn’t break stride as I leaned into the incline. If anything, my pace increased.

And I heard a voice, from deep within my heart, as loud as thunder: “But you’re good at impossible. Look, you’re doing the impossible right this very instant.” And it was true. In that very instant, I was accomplishing the absolute impossible. Only months before, I could hardly walk this very stretch, yet here I was, sprinting effortlessly to the top.

I felt a lump of deep and abiding love and gratitude well up in my throat.

“That which you persist in doing becomes easy . . . not that the nature of the thing has changed, but your power and ability to do has increased.” H.J. Grant

Every day since, when I approach that hill, I open throttle. It’s my reminder that I am capable of anything and that “each day comes to me with both hands full of possibilities” (Helen Keller). I simply have to reach out and take them.

Natalie Norton

click here to open post Feb 07, 2011 | posted in Personal | 8 comments

I saw this at Energy Kitchen (um, AMAZING) in NYC, and I’m in love with it. (The restaurant and just about every image they had adorning their walls.)

I know, you’re all chomping at the bit to find out who won The Breathe Scholarship. . . but here’s the thing, I’m really in love with this guy.

Instax image credit: Raleigh. Road trip. Summer 2010. Somewhere in Idaho?

Like I was saying, I’m really in love with that guy. He’s one of my “first things.” In fact, he’s one of my very, very, very first things. (Sometimes, I’m afraid I might not make him feel that way, but he is.) The bottom line is, he’s neck deep in the most Earth rattling, amazing, wonderful, impressive, powerful andonandonandonandon project you could ever hope to imagine, and he needs my full focus to help move it toward completion.

So there you have it. Today, I’m off focusing on my first things.

Cross my heart and hope to die that tomorrow I’ll be back with the big announcement!

I love you.