“O how great the plan of our God!” (2 Nephi 9:13)

Because of Him, the grave has no victory. Because of Him, this death, is “temporal, [and] shall deliver up its dead.” (2 Nephi 9:11)  !!!!!!!!!!!

When I woke up yesterday morning, Easter morning, I felt hope. For the first time in weeks, hope, peace and promise. And I knew, I KNOW, that it all happened, just as the scriptures say. He was born, lived the perfect life, atoned for our every sin, died for us on Calvary’s Hill, and on the third day. . .He rose again!


Forgiveness. Love. Friendship. Belonging. Life. . . all gifts from a loving God.

LIFE. That is the greatest gift of all. Because of Him, one day, I know we will be together again. Forever. And that promise moves me through each day with happiness and love, even when my heart is brittle from sorrow and pain.

I can never repay Him for what he has given me. I can however show him how very, very grateful I am… through the living of each and every moment of every, single day.

(all image credit: Jon Canlas, Baby Gavin’s funeral)

click here to open post Apr 17, 2011 | posted in Personal | 7 comments

Sister friend.

Pretty sky.

Relaxation Station and belly laughs.

The end.

PS. Have you signed up for Breathe in Phoenix?! Tick tock!

PPS. Above pics taken on the Iphone using the fun Instagram app.

Redeye. Check.

Meet Richie at the airport. Check.

Drive to the Cause For Hope offices and have a REMARKABLY inspiring (and exciting) consult. Check. And PS, check these people out; they’re making real waves.

Dash off to the Triad Building in downtown Salt Lake City for an interview with KSL. Double check.

Change clothes in the parking lot. Try not to look like a wet mutt. Check… Ish. When you see the footage, remind yourself, redeye. Mahalo.

Manage said interview and all the tears that come along with it. Sniff, sniff. Check.

Jet up to Deer Valley to get our presenter packs for the LDSBC and check in to wonderfully charming Chateaux at Silver Lake. Check.

Feed Natalie’s face (for the first time in over 48 hours, truth). CHECK.

Aaaaaaaand break! What a glorious day! Mostly it was magical just being with my boyfriend sans kids. Wow, I truly think I forgot what silence sounds like. . .

I love Utah. If The Great Salt Lake had waves (and the winters weren’t so horrendous) we’d actually consider living here. Though Park City would likely be the only option for us, because I’m somewhat obsessed with this place. It feels like the skier’s version of Haleiwa. Down to Earth, relaxed, a great creative community, and of course, the landscape is amazing! Right up my alley. Again, minus the Siberian temperatures and the 97 billion feet of snow a year.

Tonight Richie and I had dinner at Zoom. Goodness gracious folks. Goodness gracious. I’d eaten there a couple of times before with my family when I was a kid, but I mustn’t have grown into my tongue yet, because I don’t remember it being anything like what we experienced tonight. Wow.

Zoom is owned by Sundance, and the walls are adorned with the most AMAZING Sundance Film Festival promotional posters! Like, seriously, some of the designs will blow your mind. I spent a good 10 minutes just standing there staring at them (Jane, you would have been drooling). I tried to find some examples of my personal favorites online, but this one was the only one I could find. If you ever find yourself in Park City, I highly recommend stopping by Zoom, if for no other reason than to enjoy these designs. . . Though visiting Zoom without also enjoying dinner, would literally be sinful.

And now, goodnight. Finally.


It is officially 2011. It wasn’t official until this very moment when I started blogging, from an airplane, on my iPad. What in the world!!? The lives we lead…

This post will be short, because let’s face it, typing on your iPad gets old, fast. But hey, I could be making parchment and writing with coal … or something. It’s all a matter of perspective. (Did “they” even do that? Write with coal? I have no idea.)

I’m off to Utah for a couple of meetings, an interview, and then to speak at the LDS Business Conference on Friday. Life is BIG; can I just say that out loud? LIFE IS HUGE, and it makes me feel so small in comparison.

As I was waiting the security line this evening, I saw a young man, dressed in a suit and tie, saying a tear-filled goodbye to friends and family. He’s off to serve a 2 year, non paid, mission for his (our) church. This 19 year old boy is off to Madagascar. MADAGASCAR! He was so brave. They all were. Tears yes, but also pride, courage and more conviction than I can articulate. After we’d gone through security, he and I had a moment to chat. All I could think to say was, “It’s going to be big, it’s going to be HUGE, but God is soooooooo much bigger.” But he obviously already knew that.

Its true. God IS bigger than all of it, and the beautiful reality is that when we’re engaged in the right things, His hand is IN all of it as well. I’ll be reminding myself of this truth all week as I battle all my insecurities and a million feelings of inadequacy. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that battles like these are best won on your knees.


click here to open post Apr 03, 2011 | posted in Personal | 14 comments

Pardon the silly (and blurry, and shockingly over saturated) “before” cell phone pictures. . .

Hair cuts hurt my heart. I can’t explain why, precisely. But they do. Perhaps since they’re a rarity in our home, they feel especially like a grown up thing to do. They make me feel as if I’m 14 seconds from dealing with learner’s permits and missed curfews.


I just want you to stay small. Forever and ever.

Keep climbing up on my lap (incessantly, and all at the same time, even though I GENUINELY feel like I’m going to have a claustrophobia induced panic attack). Keep jumping on my couches (even though it drives me INSANE and destroys the cushions). Keep having wrestling matches in the center of the living room (though, we did purchase you a trampoline for that very purpose). Keep jumping on my bed with pockets full of sand (even though when I climb into bed at night, I use your names in vein). Continue climbing onto my beautiful white coffee table (even though now it’s officially BEIGE). Keep leaving your wet beach towels in the back of my car (even though it makes my car smell like wet dog). Keep doing all these things that make me crazy-pants, because time’s already flying by quicker than I can catch my breath.

You just keep on driving me crazy, because if it means ONE MORE SECOND with you, I’m in. Both feet.

I love you boys. Every crazy inch.

