My wonderful man, Richie, is finally on the www!  Aaaaaand we’re celebrating this looooong anticipated launch in crazy exciting ways!

3 ways to connect with Richie and WIN:

1. Head on over to and be a part of his exciting launch party! Enter to win a FREE Kindle Fire!
2. Take 2 minutes to read a little bit about Richie and get the scoop on his brand spankin’ new social media presences! Aaaaand you could win a prize if you. . .
3. Follow Richie on Twitter ( before he makes his first Tweet (sometime in the next couple of days) and you’ll be automatically entered to win an exciting secret prize from Richie and a second exciting secret prize from yours truly!

Download Richie’s E Book Absolutely FREE!

For a limited time, you can download Richie’s POWERFUL E Book, Resumés Are Dead And What To Do About It ABSOLUTELY FREE! This version is new and improved! It also contains videos clips that weren’t included in the initial release! Don’t miss out—the opportunity won’t last long! You can also access the audio version of the book here!

Enjoy Richie’s Infinite Awesomeness Live!

Today I did something that I’ve been really afraid to do. I finally found the courage to be decisive, and I took the leap. Happy Leap Day by the way! The decision I made is a risk, a calculated risk, but a real risk, nonetheless. I weighed the alternatives, got clear about my overarching goals for myself, my family and my business, and I jumped. Only time will tell if God gives me wings, but one thing is completely clear: I’d rather risk it all than succumb to fear and be doomed to a world filled with surface level living. Right?! Of course right.

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance and overall happiness of late. I’m realizing, for the millionth time, that happy habits truly do a happy heart make. Perhaps that should read, “intentional living truly does a happy heart make,” because I’m learning, and relearning, that truth over and over (and over) again as well.

These things WORK for me, so be sure to check out my MTH Tumblr post: 5 Tips To A Happier You.

Happy Thursday, everyone!



Hi friends!

Tomorrow, Thursday (March 1) is the last day to purchase seats for the MTH East Coast Tour at a discounted rate. I want to extend my personal invitation to you to come, and be a part of this powerful day with us! Ready for change? Ready to make big things happen in your life? I’d love to begin this journey with you in May!

Founded on the idea that you have the choice to change your life. The Making Things Happen Intensive is about personal evolution, and here is my personal invitation to you:

Register for New York, North Carolina, Atlanta, Boston, or Washington DC here.

Post Edited to Include:

MTH 2012 Scholarship opportunity just announced! Head on over!!!

One of my clients sent me a New Year’s card that read simply, “Happy everything, everything happy.” I died. This phrase has been ringing in my ears ever since. Happy everything, everything happy. Oh yes, and the beautiful thing? Everything already is; you just have to open your eyes.

So thankful for these beautiful visitors from home sweet Hawaii. Love them like family times infinity. Too bad they’re only staying for about 42 seconds. I miss them already. :(

Happy Monday EVERYTHING!



My journey toward authenticity began the day my son died the day I died. (I can tell you from the bottom of my soul, they are one and the same.)

And there I was.

There I was. . .

(Deep exhale here.)

Nothing remained, aside from the physical form of the woman I had once been. Inside of that? Nothing was the same. When you come to THAT moment (that we all pray to God you never will) you have exactly two choices.

1.  You die.
2.  Or you don’t.

Physical death, yes, I suppose would be a third alternative (a thought that EVERY mother who’s walked where I’ve walked has entertained, even if only in an especially weak and fleeting moment), but I’m not speaking of physical death. I’m speaking of emotional death. Spiritual callus. The armor of the soul. Survival. Safety. The opportunity to disengage from the excruciating pain. The promise of relief from the acute, unrelenting torture. Option number 1, you die. See?

Option number 2, you don’t. BUT HOW DON’T YOU? HOW?! HOW?!!!! AND YES I’M SHOUTING NOW. I’M SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY BROKEN HEART. HOW DON’T YOU JUST CLIMB INTO THE CUPBOARD UNDER THE STAIRS AND BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND? (Yes, my cupboard under the stairs is at the beach. Apparently. And yes, I’m done yelling at you.)


You submit.

And that’s how.

You submit.

You own your nothingness before God and yet your “everythingness” within him. For we are, each of us, nothing and everything all in the same harrowing yet joy-filled breath.

The moments after Gavin died horrified me. Horror. Times infinity. To the power of a million. For all the obvious reasons yes, but for one you rarely think about in specific. Eventually, friends, you have to walk away. You have to hand your dead child over to a stranger, and you have to walk away. I’ve never felt so small. I’ve never felt so afraid. I couldn’t do it. I moaned. I cried. I held him as tightly as I could. I probably screamed out loud, though I don’t remember for certain. If I didn’t, I should have. I’d certainly earned the right.

I’ve never been so acutely focused (before or since). I was completely keyed in to the moment I was in, the feelings I was experiencing, the fear that engulfed me. And amid all that terror, amid all that submission, amid all that awareness of my nothingness before God, I found something.


No longer was I a woman who was born in 1981, had lived a while, and was having this experience in a hospital room in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in 2010. I was Natalie.

I felt connected to myself in a whole new way. Connected to my divinity as a child of God, a literal spirit daughter of The Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things that in them are. I was Natalie, and Natalie, this me, SHE had the strength required to walk away. SHE had the faith required to move through this moment (and every one that would follow). SHE had the perspective I lacked. SHE had the courage I desired. SHE knew God in a way that I had never dreamed possible.

I held her hand, I kissed his face, and I walked away.

Over time, I’ve come to know her better. Learning she existed was half the battle, now getting to know her learning to become her will win me the war.

Authenticity. It’s a practice, not an art. A journey, not a destination.

But it’s worth the work. It’s worth the commitment.

And it’s definitely worth the jump.


This is the first post of a series. Practical, actionable steps toward the Journey to YOU to follow.