
It’s so hard not to be disingenuous when you’ve got a camera in your face and an audience that consists of producer, director, sound tech, camera man and logistics coordinator.

So today, I’ve put on my magic necklace (thanks again and again Mike and Julie), squared my shoulders and decided to do whatever it takes. Honestly, this project isn’t worth it to me if I can’t really, genuinely give it my heart.

Little in life is.

Worth it. Not if you can’t completely offer up your whole soul.

In a perfect world, I’d live with heart. Every single day. In every single way.


In all actuality, I am not in Chicago, rather, I’m in a charming little town called Quincy. But I AM in fact in Illinois, so this is still at least SOMEWHAT accurate. . .

I’ll be honest, today was a little bit of a whirlwind! We started with a 6:45am call time (that’s Hollywood for the time you start filming. See how fancy I am?), and we really didn’t stop moving until about 10:30pm. . . at which time I went and ran up and down the hotel stair well for exercise, because that is such a NORMAL thing to do at 10:30 at night.

We started the day by filming an introduction for my episode. It was difficult for me to tap in and really get connected to the words that were coming out of my mouth, but thankfully, the director, Racquel, stayed with me, and I eventually dropped in. I think it ended up going really well. From there, we headed to the SLC Geneological Library where I did some research on my family history.

I’m not going to lie my face off and say that it was a total riot, BUT it was a FAR better experience than I had expected. Definitely enjoyable.

There’s something about seeing all those names in one place and knowing that you’re connected to each and every one of them. It pretty spectacular, really. Touching to say the least. Check out the best replica watches.

It made me feel connected to something bigger than myself.

UT Aspens.
Did you know aspens all share the same roots?
Technically, an aspen grove is all one organism.
Remarkably symbolic given my current circumstances, don’t you think?

From there, we raced to the airport and hopped a plane for St Louis, MO. I flew first class. The director gave up her seat for the talent. How Hollywood.

Beautiful view from above the clouds, en route to St Louis. I love clouds. So.much.

Once we landed in MO, we jumped in a car and drove 2.5 hours to Quincy.




And I’m definitely counting down the minutes to bedtime.

But not before announcing the winner from the “say it on tv contest.” After such a long, draining day, it was SUCH a joy to read your entries. Totally lifted my spirits (and occasionally had me rolling with laughs. . . the belly kind).

Let’s start with honorable mention (no, you don’t win anything. . . other than my respect for being hilariously clever):

Natasha + Jessica: “Tomfoolery.” Enough said. Amazing.

And the winner is:

Amy: “Bubbles.” I laughed for a solid minute imagining myself trying to make this relevant in conversation. I specifically chose this word a) because of it’s obvious hilarity and b) because it’s going to pose a specific kind of challenge for me to incorporate it. My poor director. I don’t think she’ll quite know what to do with me. . .

My goal for tomorrow is to really connect to what’s happening here. I’ve been given this tremendous gift, and as of yet, I’m not totally connected. . .not heart and soul, the way I’d really like to be. Hopefully tomorrow I can find that total heart connection. Let’s just be honest, a good night’s sleep should really help. . .




Enter below to win a $20 itunes gift card!

I’m here in frigid Salt Lake City, UT. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. Good thing I have Cousin Nicole to keep me warm. Love her times a hundred for this cozy (and gorgeous) cold weather wardrobe. Nic, you are THE BEST.

I start filming The Generations Project tomorrow morning at 6:45am (did I say tomorrow? I meant today. . . bleh, it’s already after midnight). Let’s just talk about all this for a second, shalllllll we?

8 hour wedding yesterday (LOVE YOU KEL + SHAUN), home, pack, up at 5 to catch an early morning flight, then, a 10 hour travel day, then a 6:45 meeting time tomorrow am as the icing on this exhausted little cake. I keep trying to go to bed, but my brain thinks it’s only 9pm, so it’s still not ready to “settle down for a long winter’s nap” (I sincerely considered heating up the sheets with a hair drier by the way).

Over this coming week, I plan to chronicle my “Generations Journey” here on the blog. You’ll get inside information before the airing of the show in March!

BUt I want you to REALLY be a part of this! So . . . I had this silly idea (don’t tell the director). . .

Want to win a $20 itunes gift card?!

Comment below with some crazy word you want me to try to incorporate into my dialog tomorrow (Tuesday) during filming. Don’t be vulgar or profane. You know me better than that. Be clever, creative, silly, whatever, because If I pick YOUR word, you win. Easy as pie. Mmmmmm, pie. I’d die for some of Rachel’s apple pie about now. . .

To Enter:

1. All entries must be received by Monday, 11/7 at 11:59pm MST, I’ll announce the winner Tuesday morning.
2. Single words only. Phrases will not be considered as valid entries.
3. You may enter more than once. Please submit a separate comment for each entry.
4. Tell your friends so I have lots of words to choose from!

I’m SO excited to read these entries! I think this is going to be so fun! Ha ha ha! Either I’m hilarious, or it’s 12:22am. . . wait a minute. . .

Don’t even get me started on this image. It’s stupid amazing. Love it. Love everyone in it. LOVE.
Missing them like crazy.

“We’re goin’ to BROADWAY!” (Thank you Mr. Guffman)

Well not reeeeeeally, but the next best thing for sure.

A few weeks ago, I was unexpectedly contacted by the casting director of the show The Generations Project (BYU TV). I’d never heard of the show, but felt inexplicably compelled to complete the casting process to see if the producers felt I would be a fit.

Long story short, next week, I begin filming the season 3 finale of the show for BYU TV, and I’ve been granted permission to share my daily journey here as a type of precursor to the airing of the finale (somewhere around March 1, 2012). I’m excited to share special insights etc that may or may not make it into the final cut.

There are a million reasons I shouldn’t be doing this show. My life is crazy. I hardly have time to cook dinner, let alone take a week off to trot around the country filming a tv show. It’s ridiculously hard for me to leave my family for extended periods of time, and I hate how behind on life I’m going to be when I get home.  BUT Richie and I discussed the decision together and felt VERY STRONGLY that for one reason or another, this is a good decision for me (and vicariously, for our family).

Admittedly, I have no idea what to expect next week. I’ve only seen one episode of the show, which I watched that at the request of the casting director AFTER already having been cast for season 3. . . I’m quite nervous and need all of your support to help me through this. (How pathetic do I sound right now? I really am being authentic in this request.)

Starting Monday morning, you can follow my journey here on the blog and via twitter, here.

I’m trying to pull together some fun ways to really involve all you loyal readers in this process, so check back Monday to see what I’ve come up with!

In the mean time, I’m busy soaking up my last couple of days here in Hawaii and attempting to keep my heart in my chest every time I even think about leaving Sunday morning. I belong here. I’m certain. Can’t wait until we’re back for good!



Hi folks!

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m giving Formspring a go. If you’ve got any questions for me, personal, business, photography, life, spirituality, whatever, I’d love to answer. Just don’t be creepy. . . or mean spirited. Deal? Deal.


Love you times a hundred!


PS. Yes, it’s obviously a rainy day in paradise.