click here to open post Aug 02, 2011 | posted in Personal | 6 comments

Happy birthday to the most generous, kindhearted, loving man on Earth. Wish you were out surfing for your big day. I love you, Nat

PS. Friends, I also blog on the Making Things Happen Blog. Check out my most recent post, Back to Basics.

Happy birthday, pretty lady. We sure will miss you. xoxo, N

Today is my birthday, so as a gift from me to you, I give you one of my favorite families of all time. I love you Matty, Lindsay and Parker; I miss you every day. Enjoy.

OK. So Lindsay, apparently, is a horse whisperer. . . which is a really good thing, because I was pretty much freaking out of my mind. Horses scare me silly. Embarrassing, I know. PS. This next series of shots are my favorites of the day. . .

No that is not poo in her hand, which is a really good thing, because. . .

she ate it.

And then Matty decided the only normal response was to wipe her mouth with the “clean side” of her diaper.

This next series of shots are my second favorites of the day.

Belly buttons and boobies. Classy Parker. Classy.

Alright, this next one might be my actual favorite of all. . . I’m fickle today.

Happy birthday to you. xx! Me

This family brings me so much joy. Have you ever seen such real, tangible happiness? They essentially showed up, played around and let me watch. It’s my favorite kind of session. I wish every client would do it this way, because THESE are the kinds of images you end up with:

This next shot is ALMOST my favorite of the day. . . I love it!

The next shot is OFFICIALLY my favorite shot of the day. . . SO MUCH REAL LOVE! Love it!

If this were my family, I’d have this next shot up on my wall in a million x a million. No question. I love it.

This next one makes me so happy. Nothing like sweaty little boy hair. I can almost smell him. . . nothing says little boy like the copper penny smell of Summer. . .

Hope your weekend was perfect! xx! N

We’re off to California tomorrow morning to meet with Joan Klein (and to see our favorite cousins . . . other than Cole x2 and Ireland, of course). Joan has been consulting us as we navigate this journey with Cardon, and I can’t explain what a gift she has been thus far. We can’t wait to meet her in person in just a couple of days!

General update:

we’re adjusting little by little to this new life. . . both to life here in AZ and to the new reality that is our life navigating Sensory Processing Disorder. We all feel a little like Alice, free falling further and further down the rabbit hole. Ultimately however, we KNOW we’ve made the right decision for our family. So on we’ll fall, trusting that someone is standing at the bottom, ready to soften our landing. . . or at the very least, throw us a crazy cool tea party.

xx! N

PS- To my BEAUTIFUL clients who are waiting on images,

THANK YOU so much for your patience while we’ve made this transition. I haven’t heard a peep from any of you. You are so amazing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, I HAVE THE BEST CLIENTS, EVER! I’m working as fast as I can, between unpacking, shopping for furniture, Neuropsych evaluations, and childhood meltdowns over having zero friends. . . Your beautiful images are on their way soon. Scouts honor!