Feb 29, 2012 | posted in Inspire, Making Things Happen, Personal | no comments

Today I did something that I’ve been really afraid to do. I finally found the courage to be decisive, and I took the leap. Happy Leap Day by the way! The decision I made is a risk, a calculated risk, but a real risk, nonetheless. I weighed the alternatives, got clear about my overarching goals for myself, my family and my business, and I jumped. Only time will tell if God gives me wings, but one thing is completely clear: I’d rather risk it all than succumb to fear and be doomed to a world filled with surface level living. Right?! Of course right.

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance and overall happiness of late. I’m realizing, for the millionth time, that happy habits truly do a happy heart make. Perhaps that should read, “intentional living truly does a happy heart make,” because I’m learning, and relearning, that truth over and over (and over) again as well.

These things WORK for me, so be sure to check out my MTH Tumblr post: 5 Tips To A Happier You.

Happy Thursday, everyone!



Feb 29, 2012 | posted in Inspire, Making Things Happen | 3 comments

Hi friends!

Tomorrow, Thursday (March 1) is the last day to purchase seats for the MTH East Coast Tour at a discounted rate. I want to extend my personal invitation to you to come, and be a part of this powerful day with us! Ready for change? Ready to make big things happen in your life? I’d love to begin this journey with you in May!

Founded on the idea that you have the choice to change your life. The Making Things Happen Intensive is about personal evolution, and here is my personal invitation to you:

Register for New York, North Carolina, Atlanta, Boston, or Washington DC here.

Post Edited to Include:

MTH 2012 Scholarship opportunity just announced! Head on over!!!

Feb 28, 2012 | posted in Uncategorized | 19 comments

Punta Cana, Dominican Rep.

Happy Haitians; migrated to Dominican post Earth quake of 2010.

All smiles.

Living in a house the size of my walk in closet.



Understanding what life is all about.

Thank you, friends.

Lesson learned.



Feb 17, 2012 | posted in Brother Gavin, Personal | 16 comments

Here is where it all began.

You. It was you. You started everything.

And I don’t know if I should scream at you, or throw my arms around your neck and never, ever let go.

You died; I was born again.

Little by little, line upon line, and now here I am. Strong. Steady. Vulnerable. Unstable. All of it together, and much, much more.

I love you. I need you.

Stay nearby.


Feb 14, 2012 | posted in Personal | 15 comments

happy valentines day, friends!

Post modified to include this from Richie: