My goal.

I want to start a revolution.

My goal with this workshop is to dramatically alter the systems with which women run their businesses, families and their homes. I’m calling for a systematic rework that allows for mothers to live their dreams, share their talents, reach their lofty goals and TAP THEIR CREATIVE POTENTIAL, while simultaneously excelling in home and family life.

My goal with Breathe is not to sell out. It’s not to fill a room with as many bodies as the Fire Marshall can stand in order to turn a strong profit. My intention with Breathe is simple.

I believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY in the principles behind this workshop. These principles have changed my business–by substantially focusing and accelerating my growth, influence and overall success. These principles have transformed my family–by helping me to define which home and family elements really matter most to me and giving me the structure and commitment to prioritize them appropriately.

My goal in this intensive is to break these valuable success principles into actionable steps and share them with YOU.

What this workshop is NOT:

You should know, while we will be discussing outsourcing some, this is not simply a lecture on outsourcing.

Outsourcing, while a beautiful piece of the puzzle in many situations, is not the singular magic bullet to profitable business and blissful family life, and quite frankly, it’s just not realistic in every set of circumstances.

This is also not merely a discussion on striking balance. We’re going beyond that toward absolute SYNERGY between family and work life.

If our business life isn’t supporting, empowering and enhancing our core family goals and responsibilities 100%, something’s got to change. Period.

What this workshop IS:

This is very much a lifestyle rework, or a “lifestyle by design” intensive.

We will work together to define exactly what you’re looking for in terms of business and family life and determine exactly how the two can work together to create the very most powerful ends possible. The results here are greater profitability and satisfaction in business and greater order, happiness, purpose and fulfillment at home.

If you’re looking for a lecture, this is not the workshop for you. Breathe will require you to step in and do the hard work (read “smart work”) to get exactly what is you really want (and very often, something even better!). Breathe will require you to get in touch with your core, the deepest parts of the guts that make you who you really are. It will require you to answer some tough questions and face some tough facts. It may require you to change deeply seeded and limiting thought patterns that could be holding you back from living your full potential–as a mother, a wife, and a small business owner who hopes to have success with the Salesforce strategies.

The bottom line.

Do you believe that? Because I sure do. If you’re going to play at the dual roled life of mother and entreperneur, you’d better be ready to bring your A Game. No excuses.

I’m of the mentality that if you’re going to play, play hard. If you’re going to live, live well. If you’re going to work, be awesome. If you’re going to do something, you deserve to figure out how to do it well.

You deserve clarity and success in your business, order and fulfillment in your home, joy and passion in your marriage, and laughter and love with your children.

You deserve to Breathe.

Email: aloha{at}natalienortonblog{dot}com
to reserve your seat!